Wednesday 28 March 2018

Feeling Tired: These Foods Could be the Reason

Energy levels rise and fall throughout the day. However, some foods tend to lower your energy levels. This is not completely your fault, the false advertising of processed foods is everywhere and they are not the healthiest of foods out there. Despite trying everything you still feel tired. Reasons for feeling tired are different for everyone, but your diet could be the reason to be blamed.


Coffee is a drink that keeps you awake throughout the day. It's effects lessen over time and your body develops a certain tolerance, especially if the consumption of caffeine is too much. Caffeine results in a short-term boost but it doesn’t actually provide the energy that your body requires.


Cereals seem like the perfect breakfast meal, but eating a bowl of cereal could potentially make you feel sleepy by mid-morning. All cereals contain high glycemic index that leads to a rise in your blood sugar and increases insulin in the body. It gives your body a sudden boost in the beginning, but soon that energy falls down and lethargy takes over

3.White Bread

White bread and other refined flour products cause a rapid rise and fall in the blood glucose levels of a person because of the high glycemic index in them. The better option would be whole grains as they have fiber contents in them which will help slow down digestion and balance the blood sugar levels.

4.Salty Food

A study found that children who ate high-sodium foods are most likely to feel lethargic and have troubles concentrating throughout the day. Too much sodium in the body leads to dehydration that can cause fatigue and tiredness.


A bowl of yogurt with your favourite meal is all it takes to make your stomach feel satisfied. But yogurt contains a sleep-inducing amino-acid tryptophan that causes your muscles to relax and lower your energy levels after eating. Though, this can also happen if you are intolerant to dairy products. Some people may also develop this intolerance due to age-related problems. So, yogurt could be the culprit of your sleepiness if you have had some with your meal.


Cherries contain high levels of phytochemicals including melatonin which regulates sleep and wakefulness. This can trigger the brain to go to sleep and this is the reason why experts recommend that it’s best to save it as an after-dinner snack.


A rapid high and fall in the blood sugar levels of a person can cause a temporary boost followed by a sudden crash in the energy levels. A person experiences irritability, lack of concentration, and fatigue when the blood sugar levels rise.

Friday 23 March 2018

why you shouldn’t use soap on your face

Your mom told you, so did your skin doctor and friends. “Never ever apply soap on your face”, they said. And why, you’ve always wondered. What could be so bad in soap that it cannot be used on the face?
Well, your mother and dermatologist are right. Using soap on face is one of the gravest skincare mistakes. Let’s tell you why.

Our skin is acidic, while soap is alkaline-based

In simple words, the natural barrier of your skin is made up of acid mantle. Anything below pH7 is acidic and anything above that is alkaline. Generally, our skin’s pH is between 4 and 6.5 even among those with a very oily skin. Soap, on the other hand, is the opposite–extremely alkaline. Soap messes with skin’s pH and its acid mantle, making skin conditions worse. So, avoid soap for the best.

Soap makes your skin dry

Even people with an oily skin should not use soap on their face. Soap robs off natural oils, leading to a tighter, drier skin. If your skin is super greasy, use a face wash that is especially suited for that skin type. It will effectively wash off oils and dirt from skin’s surface without disturbing the delicate pH balance. Washing your face with soap is like washing it with a detergent.

Soap can severely damage your skin

When you wash your skin with the wrong kind of products, it looks dull, haggard and wrinkled. The list of wrong products includes soap. Soap is only one kind; there are no different varieties for different skin types. Harsh chemicals present in soap may work to clean your body but they damage the delicate skin of your face. So, keep the soap away and invest in a quality face wash instead.
If you wish to use the ultra-moisturizing varieties of soap marketed by various brands these days, consult your skin doctor first. Make sure you use a product that keeps your skin young and beautiful.


Thursday 22 March 2018

How to Deal with Psychological Stress ?

       Stress occurs when you perceive that demands placed on you — such as work, school or relationships — exceed your ability to cope. Some stress can be beneficial at times, producing a boost that provides the drive and energy to help people get through situations like exams or work deadlines. However, an extreme amount of stress can have health consequences, affecting the immune, cardiovascular and neuro endocrine and central nervous systems, and take a severe emotional toll.
       But by finding positive, healthy ways to manage stress as it occurs, many of these negative health consequences can be reduced. Everyone is different, and so are the ways they choose to manage their stress. Some people prefer pursuing hobbies such as gardening, playing music and creating art, while others find relief in more solitary activities: meditation, yoga and walking.

Here are a few common symptoms of stress and anxiety:

  • excessive sweating.
  • dizziness.
  • tension and muscle aches.
  • tiredness.
  • insomnia.
  • trembling or shaking.
  • a dry mouth.
  • headaches.

Simple power of your breath

The mind and the body each feed back to the other.
For example, standing confidently makes people feel more confident.It’s the same with anxiety: taking conscious control of breathing sends a message back to the mind.So, when you’re anxious or stressed, which is often accompanied by shallow, quick breathing, try consciously changing it to relaxed breathing, which is usually slower and deeper.

Accept what can’t be changed

Sometimes, though, trying to find the upside of a stressful situation can be hard.Some situations are what they are and there are no ways to fool yourself into thinking about them differently.In that case it’s better just to accept the situation, rather than fighting it.Acceptance doesn’t mean it’s right, that you’re happy about it or that you ignore it.

Keep busy, but not too busy

The problem with feeling anxious and stressed is that it makes you feel less motivated to engage with distracting activities.When unoccupied, the mind tends to wander, often to anxieties.One answer is to have a list of activities that you find enjoyable ready in advance. When anxiety hits at an inactive moment, you can go off and do something to occupy your mind.


The research keeps growing — exercise benefits your mind just as well as your body. We keep hearing about the long-term benefits of a regular exercise routine. But even a 20-minute walk, run, swim or dance session in the midst of a stressful time can give an immediate effect that can last for several hours.

Smile and laugh.

Our brains are interconnected with our emotions and facial expressions. When people are stressed, they often hold a lot of the stress in their face. So laughs or smiles can help relieve some of that tension and improve the situation.


Meditation and mindful prayer help the mind and body to relax and focus. Mindfulness can help people see new perspectives, develop self-compassion and forgiveness. When practicing a form of mindfulness, people can release emotions that may have been causing the body physical stress. Much like exercise, research has shown that even meditating briefly can reap immediate benefits.



Wednesday 21 March 2018

Foods You Can Eat Every Day to Lose Weight

There are many foods that not only promote wellness and weight control, but also taste good. These fill you up without adding excess calories and are easy to include in everyday meals. These super foods for weight loss (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products) are nutritious foods and should therefore be part of a healthful diet.


1.Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are key to any weight loss diet. These supply most of the essential nutrients needed and the least calories. Fresh or frozen fruits can satisfy craving or be eaten as part of a speedy lunch. A study by the Scripps Clinic in California found that grapefruit is a natural fat-fighter that can help a person to shed extra pounds. Likewise, fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranate and apple can help you lose weight fast.

2.Breakfast Cereals

A breakfast rich in whole grain cereals will provide you with a healthy start to the day. These help boost energy levels. You may couple them up with dried fruits or a few spoons of yogurt for a satisfying mini-meal.

3.Fat-free Dairy Products

Low-fat forms of dairy products offer all the nutritional value and contribute to significant calorie saving.

4.Whole Grains

Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that help you feel full, owing to their high fiber content. They release sugars slowly into the bloodstream and also keep blood sugar levels from spiking.

5.Lean Proteins

Protein foods such as lean meats and whole eggs provide satiety. Keep red meats as lean as possible when trying to lose weight.


Fish such as salmon help stimulate weight loss besides keeping the heart healthy. Omega-3 fatty acid in them makes the body more sensitive to insulin, which can help you get rid of extra fat around the waist.


Oatmeal is an excellent weight loss food; helps you stay full longer and ensures you don’t snack unhealthy, calorie-laden foods.


Salads with lettuce are low in calories and the high water content in them aids in weight loss. Make a low-calorie salad that has vegetables such as tomato, carrot, cabbage and cucumber to give your body fiber and carbohydrates needed to get rid of excess weight.

 One of the easiest and best ways to lose weight is to make healthy changes to your diet. Your food choices should be such that they rev up metabolism, control hunger, burn calories and stabilize blood sugar levels.



Tuesday 20 March 2018

Home remedy for dandruff



Neem has been used in ayurvedic medication for years to treat variety of conditions. Neem can also be very helpful in getting rid of dandruff. Make a paste from 6-10 neem leaves, half cup of curd and 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Add few drops of lemon into the paste and apply the paste on your scalp along with some hair oil. Try this twice a week reduce the dandruff.


Fenugreek seeds have antifungal and soothing properties which can help reduce the occurrence of dandruff. Soak some fenugreek seeds for overnight and grind them in the morning. Apply the paste of fenugreek seeds all over the scalp. Leave it for a few hours and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat it twice a week to prevent dandruff.

Baking Soda:

Another effective home remedy for dandruff is baking soda. The alkaline nature of the baking soda helps eliminate dead skin cells from the scalp. It acts as a mild exfoliate and also reduces the oil secretion on the scalp. Prepare a paste of baking soda by adding few drop of water in it. Apply the paste on the scalp and massage it for few minutes. Rinse off your hair with water.


The citrus fruit is acidic in nature and is rich in Vitamin C that helps keep the dandruff away. Take lemon and cut it into slices. Now rub these slices on you head. Leave for 10 -15 minutes and rinse it water.


Apply a few coats of fermented homemade curd onto your scalp. Let the curd dry up on the scalp and wash it after an hour. It will not only reduce the dandruff flakes but will restore the lost sheen of your hair as well.



Monday 19 March 2018

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Child

1.Benefits Beyond your Imagination

The importance of breastfeeding is way beyond only giving basic nutrition to your child. Besides, meeting all the vitamin and nutrient needs of your baby’s body for the first six months of their life, the breast milk carries disease-fighting substances that can protect your child from illness. It is because of these reasons that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding at least for the first six months of your child’s life. Besides, there have been studies that prove that breastfeeding can be healthy for the mother’s health too. Let’s have a look at some of the most important benefits for you and your child.


2.Protects Child from Diseases

There have been many studies which show that diseases like stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections and meningitis occur less often in babies who have been breastfed and even if they occur the severity is way lesser. Breastfeeding when done exclusively for the first six month of the child’s life it offers a protection against diseases which can strike in later stage of life like, type 1 and 2 diabetes, high cholesterol level and bowel diseases.


3.Protects Child from Developing Allergies

Children who are fed a formula based on cow’s milk or soy are more likely to have allergic reactions than babies who have been breastfed. It is believed by the scientists that immune factors like secretory IGA prevent allergic reactions to food by giving a layer of protection to the baby’s intestinal tract. When this protection is missing, inflammation can take place and the wall of intestine can get `leaky’.



Saturday 17 March 2018

Benefits of Eating a Salad

Eating salad on daily basis is the healthiest habit. There are enormous health benefits of salads- they are high in dietary fibre and are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Nutrient-rich plant food is favourable for the overall health of the body.

Mediterranean Salad.jpg

Benefits of Eating a Salad

  • Green vegetables help in lowering the cholesterol levels.
  • Sprouted grains in a salad are easily digestible and are an excellent source of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • If you are aiming to lose weight, then salads are a must for you. Being rich in fibre, they act as appetite suppressants and help you feel full for a longer duration.
  • A green salad is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants. Folic acid, lycopene, vitamin C and E, alpha and beta-carotene are some of the examples. Antioxidants protect your body from the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Vegetable salads help to decrease constipation.
  • Raw vegetables offer added benefits of better digestion and improved immunity.
  • Results of a study done by the National Cancer Institute shows that people who consume vegetables and fruits in their diets are at reduced risk of cancer. The findings are more applicable to people who smoke or drink heavily.
  • Frequent salad intake also reduces the risk of heart troubles and blood pressure.
    Your salad is good for your heart if it contains strawberries, tomatoes, carrots, apples, beans, peas, string beans, peppers and peaches.
  • Dressing salad with a little olive oil is linked to increased mortality. According to an Italian study done on people aged 60 and older, a diet that includes plenty of raw vegetables and olive oil reduces mortality.
Try to be creative while making your salad, include sprouted grains, nuts and your favorite vegetables. Make sure that you use a fat-free dressing.

Friday 16 March 2018

Health benefits of ghee



With just one tablespoonful of ghee, you can get a whooping 470 KJ of energy. Ghee contains many medium chain fatty acids that can be directly absorbed into the liver and burnt as energy. People who indulge in rigorous physical activities can benefit from one teaspoonful of ghee, if eaten right before exercising.


Ghee can boost your digestive system in various ways. It contains a short chain butyric acid that acts as intestinal bacteria and a well-functioning digestive system means a good appetite.


Your immune system will be largely benefited with regular consumption of ghee. The butyric acid found in cow ghee can enhance production of T cells in the body. It is these T cells that that carry out the function of boosting the immune system against allergens and foreign particles that enter the body.


Regular application of ghee on skin can benefit your skin to a very large extent. Ghee is a natural moisturizer and a light massage with it can make your skin supple and soft. Cow ghee can be an effective remedy against chapped lips also.


Cow ghee has been an age old remedy for treating cough. You may either eat a teaspoonful of warm ghee directly or make a herbal concoction. Fry a cinnamon stick in ghee and let it cool slightly. Remove the stick and swallow it.


Regularly incorporating a few servings of ghee into your diet can help you meet your vitamin K needs. Vitamin K is essential to many aspects of health, such as blood clotting, heart health and brain function. It’s also incredibly important when it comes to keeping your bones healthy and strong.


Thursday 15 March 2018

Benefits of eating "Unpeeled" cucumbers


It is a great source of fiber

Cucumber peels are rich in insoluble fiber, a type of fiber that sweeps through the digestive tract and creates a fecal bulk. It also helps in relieving constipation and is an important factor in keeping one’s digestive system regular. A healthful diet is made up of 25 g of total fiber daily, and men need about 38 g of it. The inner soft part of cucumber contains soluble fiber, which is another type of fiber that is highly beneficial for the body; it helps in the softening of stool.

Lots of vitamin K

Vitamin K helps in the formation of blood clots and a major content of vitamin K in a cucumber is present in the peel. Just a cup of cucumber with the peel has about 49 micrograms of vitamin K, while a peeled cucumber has about 9 micro grams of vitamin K.

It is low in calories

Cucumbers can be snacked on without you feeling guilty about it because they are naturally low in calories. Each slide of cucumber has about 1 to 2 calories. You may enjoy a few freshly sliced unpeeled cucumbers in the afternoon so you can refuel the body without really wrecking your diet.

It is good for vision

Cucumber peel is a hidden source of beta-carotene, which is a type of vitamin A. This nutrient is known for its beneficial effects on the eyes. Vitamin A comes in a variety of compounds and beta carotene is found in the highest concentration in cucumber peels. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, Women need to consume about 2,310 IU of vitamin A and men need about 3,000 IU. 1.2 a cup serving of cucumber slices with the peel can provide about 55 IU of total vitamin A, half of which is beta-carotene.

So, starting today, make sure you do not peel cucumbers before eating them. But, do not forget to wash them thoroughly.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Warm water vs. cold water – which is better to drink?

Health experts speculate that there are certain occasions where warm water is more appropriate than cold, and vice-versa.

When cold water serves you better?

Exercise: Physical activity elevates core body temperature. Moreover, we lose a lot of water and electrolytes in the process which need to be replenished. Sip cold water to re hydrate the body off lost water and enable it cool down.
Weight Loss: When you are trying to shed the pounds, drink cold water instead of warm water. It boosts metabolism and helps torch calories to aid weight loss. Cold water is not an obesity cure although it does contribute to your weight loss efforts.

When should warm/hot water be considered?

Digestion: If you have digestion troubles too often, drinking warm/hot water can be of great benefit. According to Ayurveda, drinking warm water in the morning helps stimulate digestion.

Detox: Drinking warm water is one of things that can help you get rid of impurities in the body. Health experts recommend drinking warm water with a squeeze of lemon. Lemon water stimulates digestion and flushes toxins. When you drink warm water, you are not only staying hydrated but also receiving its cleansing benefits.

Pain Relief: If you are dealing with a headache or inflammation, drinking warm water can ease the pain. It stimulates blood flow to the tissues and is an excellent remedy for menstrual cramps.

Constipation: One of the foremost reasons behind constipation is dehydration. Drinking warm water when constipated can move things smooth by stimulating blood flow and having a soothing effect in the intestines.
Be it cold or warm water, you should stay hydrated and listen to your body. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. When you’re out in the hot weather, you’ll crave for cold water. Likewise, when sick with a cold, you’ll want hot water.Health experts speculate that there are certain occasions where warm water is more appropriate than cold, and vice-versa.

When cold water serves you better?

Exercise: Physical activity elevates core body temperature. Moreover, we lose a lot of water and electrolytes in the process which need to be replenished. Sip cold water to re hydrate the body off lost water and enable it cool down.

Weight Loss: When you are trying to shed the pounds, drink cold water instead of warm water. It boosts metabolism and helps torch calories to aid weight loss. Cold water is not an obesity cure although it does contribute to your weight loss efforts.


Tuesday 13 March 2018

5 fruits that can fight cold and flu better than medicines



Apples are the most common source of antioxidants. One single apple carries the antioxidant effect of 1,500 mg vitamin C. Loaded with protective flavonoids, apples can prevent heart disease and cancer.


Carrying 250 percent of RDA of vitamin C, a papaya can keep cold and flu at bay. The beta-carotene and vitamin C and E found in papayas reduce inflammation throughout the body, eventually reducing the effects of asthma.


Cranberries carry more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. A one-time serving of this fruit has the benefits of five times the amount of broccoli. A natural probiotic, cranberries can boost the level of good bacteria in the gut and protect it from foodborne diseases.


Natural compounds called limonoids can be found in grapefruit. These are responsible for lowering cholesterol levels. A rich source of vitamin C, grapefruit can fight the substance lycopene.


One of the richest sources of vitamin B6, bananas can reduce fatigue, depression, stress and insomnia. Loaded with magnesium, bananas can also keep bones healthy and strong and its potassium content can help you prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.



Monday 12 March 2018

Best and Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

What you drink is often ignored when looking to control the intake of calories, to lose weight. However, you must pay heed to it as there are plenty of drinks with loads of calories that will end all your hopes of weight loss.Making an informed choice helps improve metabolism, controls the appetite and bring down the calorie intake. Be informed on which drinks need to be avoided and which ones to be preferred on your way to weight loss.

Best drinks for weight loss

Green Tea –

It is the best drink for people who cannot do without caffeine daily. Some compounds found in green tea lead to weight loss. It has a beneficial effect on your metabolism which helps in absorbing fat from your body. Have the drink twice daily.

Vegetable Juice –

Pennsylvania State University conducted a study on the effect of vegetable juice on calorie intake of a person. It was found that having a glass of vegetable juice before your meal helps you to eat 135 calories lesser.

Coconut Water –

It is very good for accelerating your metabolism to give you energy which can be used in workouts for burning calories. It contains a lot of electrolytes which increase the rate of metabolism. Make sure that you avoid the flavouring and extra sugar generally put in the juice.

Yoghurt –

If you put more of yoghurt in your smoothies, the calcium contained in it helps to burn fat in your body and particularly belly fat. These were the findings of a research done by University of Tennessee. Greek yoghurt is the healthiest choice for making a weight loss drink.

Fruit Juice –

These may not help to bring down the calorie intake so much but the nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants that fruit juices provide make them a good choice, especially as a substitute for sweetened sodas.

Drinks to avoid for weight loss

Soda Drinks –

Your soda drinks have loads of empty calories you can do without. Even the diet sodas do not help in weight loss as their effect is temporary.

Energy Drinks –

Energy drinks used by sportspersons are also full of calories. The nutrients that are added in them are available from other low-carb drinks.

Fancy Coffee –

Coffee with a little sugar and skimmed milk may not be so bad but those that have whipped cream, ice-cream and lots of sugar gives you more calories than a full meal.

Beer –

Regular serving of beer has around 150 calories and it is not unusual to have 2 or more servings on an outing. Those sincere about losing weight should stay away from this drink.

Full-Cream Milk –

This drink is not a healthy option for you. Remove the cream before drinking or simply choose toned milk.


Friday 9 March 2018

Drinking warm milk before bed could help you sleep better

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Milk is a naturally found rich source of calcium, vitamin D and potassium, and it is of great importance to the human body. Warm milk before bed could help you to relax and make you sleep well. Calcium and vitamin D which are found in milk helps to build strong, healthy bones and teeth, and the potassium allows maintenance of healthy blood pressure. The immediate benefit of warm milk before bed is that it allows you to sleep like a baby by keeping your body relaxed and calm.
 This is not to say that by drinking a cup of milk you are sure to fall asleep, as it is not a sleep serum, but the reality is that there are some substances in your warm milk that is associated with improved rest. Warm milk before bed is therefore prescribed for those who have had a hard day, as it can induce sleep and also provide healthy benefits.

How does warm milk before bed affect your sleep?

A cup of delicious warm milk is not exactly a great idea for a perfect drink for most people, but it could be of great importance to you. One cannot really say that there are scientific evidences which led to this conclusion, but milk contains amino acid called tryptophan and this metabolizes into serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin are compounds which promote relaxation in the human body and could help a person sleep.

Here are some suggestions on healthy snacks that could compliment your milk.

• Include whole grain crackers and cheese along with your glass of milk
• Make yourself a glass of chocolate milk instead of your simple warm milk for taste and nutrition, and drink it along with apple slices
• Consume yogurt with fruit toppings along with a glass
• A banana with peanut butter could be a great idea with a glass of warm milk
• Add whole grain cereal with fresh fruits in your warm glass of milk



Tuesday 6 March 2018

Reasons Why You Must Start Drinking Lemon Juice, Now!

Most of us are unaware of the splendid health benefits lemon juice offers. From weight loss to managing blood pressure, you can make use of this common sour and fruit to get rid of a lot of ailments. Those who are fond of the sour taste of its juice need not worry about adding anything to it, but the rest may need to make lemonade or have it without sugar.

Helps in Digestion

Many problems related to digestion can be effectively cured with lemon juice. If it is mixed with warm water, complications such as bloating, nausea, heartburn, parasitic activity and belching can be cured. If you suffer from accumulated bowels, it can be treated by regular intake of lemon juice.

Detoxification of Liver

A very effective way of helping the liver produce more bile is having liver juice every morning. It cleanses the liver which helps to break down food easily. Once you drink this juice first thing in the morning, your digestive system is prepared for the whole day’s work. Lemon juice can even break down gallstones as these are composed of calcified bile. The increased production of bile helps in breaking down the gallstones.

Healthy Skin

You can use lemon as an antiseptic and get rid of blackheads and other kinds of acne on your face. Its high antioxidant level not only helps the formation of wrinkles but also provides a thorough cleansing of your face. Wrinkles form in the face because of formation of free radicals. If wrinkles do not form, these cells would damage healthy cells of the body. The antioxidants present in the lemon juice destroy these free radicals. So, they prevent the damage to healthy cells as well as the formation of acne.

Lemon Juice for Teeth

You can use lemon juice to massage your gums and reduce toothaches. If your gums have any wounds, they can be treated with the massaging. Problems such as foul breath can also be treated with lemon.

Lemon Juice for Throat

Fresh lemon juice has very intense antibacterial property. This helps to fight against any kind of throat infection. A sore throat or tonsillitis can be effectively cured with the fruit. You will need to gargle with fresh lemon juice mixed with warm water. This is one of the best remedies for getting relief from a sore throat.

Blood Pressure Management with Lemon Juice

Lemon has high potassium content. People with high blood pressure need to have more of this nutrient. Dizziness, high blood pressure, and nausea can be controlled with lemon juice. This is very beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease.


Monday 5 March 2018

Improve your physical and mental being with power yoga


It's the latest fitness mantra mainly for those who want fitness, flexibility, strength, stamina, better health and stress free life. Power yoga deviates completely from the traditional form of yoga. It is a fusion of yoga with functional and flexibility training, both of which train your body to perform better.


Power yoga involves bit of Surya Namaskar. Basically, power yoga involves the moves of the traditional yogic Surya Namaskar (or Sun salutation) mixed with flexibility training and strength training. The Surya Namaskar consists of 12 exercises with specific breathing patterns done in a continuous graceful sequence. What do these exercises do? They counteract the effects of the previous exercise. They also expand and contract the muscles of the ribcage and waist. What about advantages to practitioner? Practicing Surya Namaskar daily will make the spine flexible and trim inches off the waist.


There are different modules in power yoga. Typically, you would do asana followed by strength training. This makes your body strength, work for you and makes the whole workout more dynamic. After practicing asana, we practice some relaxation technique then start Pranayama and fi nally end with meditation.

Principles of power yoga

All human beings undergo certain emotional waves like anxiety, stress, depression, ill health and anger. Power yoga can well transform these emotional traits into peacefulness thus enabling an individual to enjoy good and vibrant health and a feeling of love towards all living as well as non-living creation. The techniques of yoga need to be followed consciously in order to achieve good health, stay fit and reach the desired goals.

The advantages of power yoga

  • It helps reduce stress and relax your body.
  • It also helps improve concentration, which is particularly good for students.
  • It helps in reversing the aging process.
  • Power yoga provides excellent balance and strength.
  • It strengthens the leg muscles, the bones and prevents fractures.
  • It increases the activeness and range of motion.
  • With power yoga body becomes more flexible.
  • Resistant power of the body increases.
  • It helps in the recovery of a number of chronic diseases.
  • It maintains and stabilises blood sugar.
  • With power yoga blood circulation increases.
  • It helps in conditions of bad hip, back and spine problems while showing miraculous improvement.
  • Last but not the least, it will improve your working efficiency with positive motivation and reduce your health budget for live long.

How often should you do power yoga?

This dynamic 1 hour workout is recommended four days a week for better results.

Who is it for?

Almost anyone can do power yoga. But if you have health related problems then its better you consult your doctor or instructor first for better results. There are programs at Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels. How fast you move from one level to the next depends on your fitness and flexibility levels. These days everybody is becoming health conscious. Yoga program is possibly the best option for you. Just start doing it and feel the difference



Thursday 1 March 2018

How to Deal with Anger and Calm Down Fast


Don't beat up your pillow

Forget about punching a pillow, a wall, or the object of your anger. Contrary to popular belief, these common reactions don’t decrease your anger. In fact, studies find, they only increase your hostility. And getting angry over little things can dramatically spike your risk of a heart attack.

Take three deep breaths

When you’re angry, your body becomes tense, says Robert Nicholson, PhD, assistant professor of community and family medicine at Saint Louis University. Breathing deeply helps you learn how to deal with anger by lowering your internal anger meter. Try these stress management tips.

Understand your anger

Once you’re aware of them, try to avoid them if possible. If you can’t avoid them, at least you’ll know to anticipate them, which will give you more time to prepare for them so they don’t affect you so negatively. Next time you start to feel the anger boiling up inside you, try these seven tricks to help you work through your frustrations without complaining.

Go for a walk

When you get really angry, walk away from the source. A five-minute walk outside or another calming activity like yoga are both great coping strategies for how to deal with anger.  If your anger stems from the traffic jam you’re stuck in, turn up the radio and sing at the top of your lungs. The idea: Create a mental and/or physical escape from the situation.

Diffuse the situation with laughter

When dealing with angry family members, find a way to make them laugh. This is a trick family therapists often use, says Dr. Jordan. So, for instance, take a quick digital photo of yourself with a silly or contrite expression, print it out, and put it on a family member’s pillow. Or do some silly dancing together, or hide a gift in the mashed potatoes served at dinner. The point is to do something together that is lighthearted and fun. Not only does this defuse the anger, but it reminds everyone that you are in this family together, forever, and that love and forgiveness remain in ample supply.

Set a timer

When you’re angry, look at your watch. Let the second hand sweep across the dial at least two minutes before you take any action, says Ron Potter-Efron, author of Stop the Anger Now. By then, you’ll have had time to think and can act in a more appropriate way. Plus, it’s kind of a Zen thing to watch time move.

Compare yourself to your kids

When you’re angry with your parents, think about your kids. How do you want them to feel about you when they’re your age? Wouldn’t you want them to understand that you were only doing the best you could at the time? Suddenly that 20-year-old lingering hurt won’t be as sharp.

Talk about your anger

This is different from expressing it; talking about it means unloading and decompressing with a friend, going over the situation with a neutral observer who can bring some perspective to the situation, or even talking out loud to yourself about it (preferably when no one else can hear you).