Wednesday 28 February 2018

Unexpected Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep at Night


1.You’re depressed

Just like with appetite, the physical changes of depression can swing to either extreme. You may suddenly find that you’re tired and sleeping all day, or that you can’t get a wink’s shuteye at all. A particularly common form of sleep deprivation is to find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, night after night.

2.You’re doing too much before bed

Working right up until bedtime doesn’t give you a chance to wind down and prepare your body for sleep. Take the hour before bed to transition from the person-who-can-do-everything into the person-who-can-sleep. Read a book, take a bath-whatever will make you feel most relaxed. Try some of these relaxation techniques before bed to get you ready for a good night's sleep.

3.Your hormones are out of whack

Pregnancy is another known time for sleep disturbance. An increase in the hormone progesterone will have you waking up for endless trips to the bathroom in your first trimester and the size of your belly will cause you some discomfort when trying to sleep in your third trimester.

4.You’re a smoker

There are hundreds of reasons to quit smoking, and sleep trouble is one of them. That nasty nicotine is a stimulant that will keep you awake longer and since you may experience nicotine withdrawal through the night it will affect your sleep. Besides, smoking is no way to start your day.

5.You’re napping too late in the day

Be cautious about napping during the day. It can be a great way to recharge or catch up on sleep but if you nap too late in the day you may have trouble sleeping at night. If a nap is necessary, keep it to less than 30 minutes in the early afternoon.

6.You’ve thrown off your biological clock

Staying up late on Friday and Saturday nights and sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings is frequently the gift we give ourselves on weekends after a hard week at work. Yet that little gift—small as it is—is enough to screw up our biological clocks. Even if you get to bed early on Sunday night, you will not be ready to sleep, and it will make for a tough day at the office on Monday.

7.You’re addicted to technology

Keeping technology out of the bedroom is one of the things good sleepers have in common.

8.You’re drinking too much caffeine

Your caffeine habit may be keeping you up at night. doses of caffeine per day to ensure that your coffee habit won’t make it hard to fall asleep.


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